Parenting Support

Parenting young children can be amazing, rewarding, and…well…really, really difficult at times. Over the years, Dr. Schechter has noticed trends in her support of helping parents navigate some of the challenges of parenting children, generally ages 3- to 6-years-old. Many of the challenges fall into one of several categories:

  1. Challenges with feeding young children.

  2. Challenges with bedtime.

  3. Challenges with power struggles.

  4. Challenges with managing your young children’s undesireable behaviors.

So many challenges that parents of young children face tend to fall into one (or all!) of these categories. Parenting styles tend to fall into one of four categories: Permissive, Authoritative, Neglectful, and Authoritarian. Research suggests that authoritative parenting styles are more likely to result in parents raising children who are independent, self-reliant, and socially competent. Dr. Schechter has worked with many parents to help them identify their current parenting style, provides psycho-education on helping parents understand the benefits of authoritative parenting, and how to move toward this style of parenting to help decrease power struggles and move toward a more peaceful home environment. If you are finding that you are struggling with parenting your young children, Dr. Schechter is here to help. While she does not give specific “advise” to parents, Dr. Schechter can help parents better understand their children and better understand how their own behaviors may be reinforcing or creating some of the challenges they are facing with their young children.